Hope for Tomorrow: Join the Fight Against Cancer Today
Eine Spendenaktion von Vanja Lier
60 € gesammelt
Endet am: 08.09.2024
Spendenziel: 500 €
Beschreibung der Aktion
Dear family, friends and colleagues,
Thank you for taking part in supporting cancer research projects from Deutsche Krebshilfe, Germany’s leading non-governmental and non-profit organization in the field of oncology.
Every year we participate in Battle Cancer Berlin to help support different initiatives fighting cancer. This year we will bike, row, run and lift through 9 stations as fast as possible while you help us fundraise. You are more than welcome to cheer for us: 7th September @10am, Cantianstadion (Berlin)
Thank you for supporting our goal in understanding cancer better and saving as many lives as possible as a results of that.
Yours truly,
Amanda, Chris, Leo & Vanja
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Vielen Dank an alle, die mit ihrer Spende bereits zum Kampf gegen den Krebs beigetragen haben. Beteiligen auch Sie sich an der Spendenaktion - jeder Euro hilft krebskranken Menschen!